TV Centre Tripoli, Libya

Client: Bilfinger und Berger, Libya
Design and Engineering: Utilities Karolak GmbH
Estimated Completion date: On going, Dez 2005
Civil Contractor: Bilfinger und Berger , Libya
Rehabilitation works of the complete utilities installed since 1981 in the building covering.
Design and Engineering for the replacement of:
Storm Water: Flat roof areas including complete piping works,roof gullies, ridge roof areas,
storm water pumping station.
Sewage water: Pipe collection system all areas inclusiv down pipes trough the complete building, sewage
water pumping station.
Potable water: In all areas inclusiv riser pipework through the complete building, potable booster
pumping station.
Fire Fighting: Complete sprinkler system hose reel cabinets
and pressure pipework for the complete
building, fire water pumping station, valves
and controls.
Compressed air: For the technical air supply to the studios
inclusiv pipework, compressors, controls.
Revers osmosis plant: For the potable / technical water supply
throughout the building